5 Ways Writing a Book Helps You Learn About Yourself

Writing is a great way to learn more about yourself and improve your skills. This article describes 5 ways writing a book can help you learn more about yourself, such as your thoughts and fears.


Dr. Kimberly Swedberg

4/12/20242 min read

Which one sounds like you?

Scene A: You wake up feeling great and can't wait to write more of your book. You love writing so much that time flies by and your fingers dance across the keyboard.

Scene B: You wake up feeling great, but instead of writing, you do everything else first. You keep putting off writing, telling yourself all sorts of reasons why you can't do it right now.

Writing a book isn't just good for showing people you're an expert on a topic; it's also like a mirror that helps you see what you are afraid of and how you work. Writing a book isn't easy—if it were, everyone would do it! Understanding your fears and work style can really help you when you write more in the future.

1. Look at how you work: Do you put things off or do you like to get tasks done quickly? Are you a morning person or do you like staying up late? Do you like background noise or do you need complete silence to concentrate? Everyone has their own way of working, and as you write, you might learn something new about what works best for you.

2. Understand your fears: Are you scared of starting with a blank page? Are you worried about people not liking your writing or getting tough feedback? Maybe you're nervous about having an editor change your words or about trying to publish your book on your own. Remember, even famous authors started with a blank page and had editors change their writing. When you start your book, make a plan for your chapters and remember, you're hiring an editor to help make your book the best it can be. If you're thinking about publishing it yourself, learning how from a good source can be a great start.

3. How disciplined are you?: There's no right or wrong way, but knowing whether you can write for a long time without getting distracted or if you need regular breaks can help you plan your day better. If you find it hard to keep focused, try this: write for 25 minutes, take a 10-minute break, and then repeat. You might be surprised at how much you can write this way!

4. Is writing your passion, or are you worried it won’t work out?: What if your book doesn’t sell or people don’t like it? These worries are normal, especially if you're counting on this book to help you earn some money or start your career as an author. But you can face these fears by doing your homework before you start writing. Use your imagination to make up a fantasy story, write about something people are interested in, or try to offer a new take on a subject. The sky is the limit.

5. Face your insecurities: Nobody's perfect, and you can't know everything. If any part of writing or promoting your book scares you, that's okay. Admit these fears and decide if you want to face them yourself or get help from someone who knows more.

Writing a book is a great way to learn more about yourself and improve your skills. Use what you discover to get better at your writing. Face your fears but do not let them stop you from what you want to do.